2008 m. lapkričio 27 d., ketvirtadienis

Learning ESP

Learning ESP is not so different from learning general English. The main thing are the same, some confusion is only brought in by the usage of academic language and professional lingo.
It is quite often, that ESP contains a lot of international words, or words derived from latin and greek, so common knowledge of international terms are really a good helper. Of course all of the main tricks of learning English applies. These are sticking Post-It notes with words you want to learn, reading English material and trying to communicate in English as much as you can.
But these days one of the most popular answer, which students give when asked about how they learned English, is watching movies. The problem with ESP is that there are very few movies or TV shows that contais desireble material, and there is even less about psychology. However, after putting in some research, I came up with several movies and TV shows that frequently involves psychology in their plots, thus using ESP. Best known of them are „The Sopranos“, „One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest“, „The Butterfly Effect“ and similar movies. The best way to watch movies like this (with the ention of learning), you should use English subtitles, to also learn the spelling.
Other good idea is to make English days with your friends, when you agree to only talk in English for like once a week.
So remember – notes, books, movies, communication. Oh, and I almost forgot – practise makes it perfect.

2008 m. lapkričio 9 d., sekmadienis

Psychology of Kleptomania

Most people have stolen something throughout their lives. It may have been something big and against the law, it may have been something tiny and done in the earcly childhood. It doesn‘t even have to be something material. It can be an idea for an essay in the 9th grade or a piece of bubble gum from your best friend.

Despite the size of your theft, it would be immoral and in some cases – against the law. But there is something that could overrule the moral and legal consequences of your action – a disorder called kleptomania. How, one would ask. Becouse then,a person can‘t medically resist stealing, I would answer. Kelptomania is a kind of mania, when you can‘t resist the urge to steal, despite the vallue of the stolen item or it‘s usefulness to the stealer.

It‘s quite obvious, that the problem rests in our brains. But no one has come to an united conclusion. Some professionals say, that it‘s a part of the obsessive-compulsive disorder and others argue that it‘s an addiction, relying on the fact, that keltomaniacs usually have a substance abuse disorder.

Not much is known about helping this kind of people out. Most common treatment is drugs and self-help groups. So it is an area open for studies and future discoveries.

Analytical Summary

The first chapter of Robert S Fieldmans' book "Understanding Psychology"is called "Introduction to Psychology". The aim of the chapter is to give us the basic understanding about the science of psychology.

It begins with a module that is called "Psychologists at Work". The main definition of psychology is given as the very first sentence of the module and it is followed by an enumeration of all the subfields of the before-mentioned science. Module ends with a brief illustration of the work of psychologists and their career prospects.

The second module ("A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present and the Future") has got two major themes. First of them is the history of psychology, it's founding fathers and key figures (which includes Wilhelm Wundt, Herman Ebbinghaus, William James and others). Second gives us a summary of todays perspective of psychology: the neuroscience, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive and humanistic perspectives.

The last covered module, called "Psychology's Key Issues and Controversies", focuses on its name and is a brief explanation of modern issues of psychology. It mostly revolves around the contradictions of psychologies main perspectives. Examples are given, also the reason and virtues of such inconsistency.

To finalise, the main intent of these three modules, is to introduce us to psychology. Feldman achieves his goal by explaining what is psychology, describing the work of psychologists, giving the history and showing the main perspectives of a modern science of psychology.